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Energy Prices (Early August 2017)


Following the developer winning a two-year court case with the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) over the project’s impact on local bird life the construction of the 450MW Neart na Gaoithe wind farm off the east coast of Scotland is expected to go ahead next year.

Although a sustained heatwave could have an impact, UK imports of French electricity have so far been little affected by a heatwave in southern France forcing several nuclear plants there to reduce output or stop production (as they are unable to use river water for cooling).


We are currently entering peak outage season resulting in many fields going into scheduled outages. Reports have suggested that up to 30% of UK capacity will be unavailable in August – this could increase sensitivities to any further unscheduled infrastructure shutdowns.

The Wheatstone LNG plant, Australia’s next LNG megaproject, is scheduled to start production this month. With an initial capacity of almost 9 million tonnes per annum, and plans to ultimately expand this to as much as 25 million tonnes annually, its start-up will be bearish for global LNG markets.

Summary position: 

Oil $52.37barrel

Coal $75.25/MT

EUA 17 €5.23/TCO2

Gas 42.53p/th Oct 17

Gas 43.28p/th Apr 18

Electricity £43.38/MWh Oct 17

Electricity £42.88/MWh Apr 18